Powerful Tips to be a Successful Listing Agent

“When you list, you last!” 

Here’s the problem, getting the listings. So here are some helpful tips/ habits and mindsets to go into 2022 to be a successful listing agent. 

#1 Successful Lead Gen

You can’t just show up at someone’s house and expect them to be interested in your services. Prospects gravitate towards something that feels personal but also trustworthy and reliable- which is why a more personable approach will empower your client with the confidence they need, to trust you in selling their home. 

Some personal ways to connect with a new lead are: mailers, flyers or even handwritten letters. When compared to a generic email, a handwritten letter makes the process a whole lot more personal. This creates a better opportunity for you to build a strong relationship with the seller and make them confident they are working with a real person. 

Another strategy for lead generation is the ever famous door knocking or cold calling. Although this method will need a lot more effort and time, it is still a strong strategy that works.

The true magic on landing listings happens when you can have a conversation with a potential client. You can impress them with your knowledge and see what stages they are in on wanting to sell. So have conversations, talk to people. This is a worth place to put your time. 

#2 Pricing homes fairly and competitively 

Pricing a property is an integral part of being successful as the listing agent. When you know how to price your listings, it gives prospects ballpark ranges for what they can get when working with you and helps them achieve their dreams by sparking conversation about potential future opportunities in terms of buying or selling homes based on this information alone! 

When you talk about pricing, this gives the buyer a tangible number to work with. It shows the homeowner the amount of money that they can use to invest however they want.

If you feel like your pricing skills could use some work, here’s a quick way to get better at pricing: test yourself through the MLS. Look at the details of the house, guess a price, and check the actual value of the home. Another way is to have other agents estimate your home’s value. If your answers match, you’re  getting better!

#3 Marketing, marketing, MARKETING

You could be the best agent out there, but with poor marketing, nobody would ever know! This is a key skill for longevity in this profession and it is ever changing. This is a business of generating and nurturing leads. 

Your marketing efforts are wasted if you don’t know who your audience is, what their problems are and how to solve them.  Let people in on the conversation by clearly identifying yourself as someone that can meet those needs for them – it’ll make life easier both ways!

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